Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dick McAfee's Triumph Hero

In his retirement, DICK McAFEE no.88 and I became email buddies through which he would reply with hand written letters back to me via email. He favored this to a keyboard and would ask his wife Ramona to scan and email them to me. Before he passed on, he shared with me many stories of the "San Jose Flat Track Gang" that are legendary. This is one of those letters that describes his hero on a Triumph, a racer who was my dads close friend. I really miss those precious times opening up a new surprise letter from Dick. He is missed. I hope you enjoy some insightful words from one of flat-tracks great men of the sport, and a darn great racer as well!

March, 2005


Tell your dad Cancilla was my inspiration when I started riding in '48. At that time he was the best Triumph rider in district 36, and he was one of only 3 or 4 Triumph riders there was. I was impressed with that little 500 cc Speed Twin competing and winning against 1000 cc 74 OHV Harley's!!! He was and still is my Triumph hero.

In these days due to competition committee members dominated by Harley dealers, that's what Phillie had to deal with in TT racing.

Of course in flat-track we Triumph riders had to compete with 650 cc Harley's which although the Triumphs could hold their own on short tracks, but could not on a regular basis compete with them on 1/2 and miles. Later on in Hugh's time as Triumph mechanics became more knowledgeable how to build them, Hugh could not only compete, but beat the Harley's at times.

Dick McAfee #88

Image courtesy McAfee collection 2005

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Post Comments Info

Hey Flat-Track Fans:

Whether a family member, friend and spectator, or even you racers out there, we invite all to post stories and remembrances of your favorite flat track rider or event on 2 WHEEL THUNDER. This is your opportunity to be part of the Vintage flat-track community and to read what others may have on their minds about the content here on 2 WHEEL THUNDER. The FAN PAGE is provided for you for this purpose.

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We hope you take advantage of this community by adding to it for all to enjoy. We at 2 WHEEL THUNDER would sure like to hear from you.

Eric Johnson